Kilowatts (kW) to Amps Conversion Calculator (2024)

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On this page:

  • kW to Amps Calculator
  • How to Convert Kilowatts to Amps
  • kW to Amps Formula
  • How to Account for Motor Efficiency and Power Factor
  • How to Find Current for a Single-Phase AC Circuit
  • How to Find the Current of a Three-Phase AC Circuit
  • Motor Current Ratings (Three-Phase AC)
  • Motor Current Ratings (Single-Phase AC)
  • References


Kilowatts (kW) to Amps Conversion Calculator (1)

Joe is the creator of Inch Calculator and has over 20 years of experience in engineering and construction. He holds several degrees and certifications.

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Aditya holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University and specializes in signal processing, algorithms, and machine learning.

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Kilowatts (kW) to Amps Conversion Calculator (3)

Kevin Weekly holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from the University of California Berkeley and Bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Texas.

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Sexton, J. (n.d.). Kilowatts (kW) to Amps Conversion Calculator. Inch Calculator. Retrieved April 27, 2024, from

How to Convert Kilowatts to Amps

It is possible to convert kilowatts (kW) to amps using the Watt’s Law power formula. The power formula states that current = power ÷ voltage.

To adapt the power formula to using kilowatts, first start by converting kilowatts to watts, which can be done by multiplying the power in kilowatts by 1,000 to get the number of watts.

Then, apply the power formula by dividing the power (in watts) by the voltage (in volts) to find the current (in amps).

kW to Amps Formula

Thus, for DC and single-phase AC circuits, the formula to convert kilowatts to amps is:[1]

I(A) = P(kW) × 1,000 / V(V)

The current I in amps is equal to the power P in kilowatts multiplied by 1,000 (to convert to watts), divided by the voltage V in volts.

Kilowatts (kW) to Amps Conversion Calculator (4)

For example, let’s find the current of a circuit with 1 kW of power at 120 volts.

I(A) = 1 kW × 1,000 / 120 V
I(A) = 1,000 W / 120 V
I(A) = 8.33 A

So, generating 1 kW of power at 120 volts will draw 8.33 amps of current.

How to Account for Motor Efficiency and Power Factor

Equipment is often not 100% efficient with power usage, and this must be factored in to find the number of amps consumed for a given output power. Efficiency of the motor η, is defined as the ratio of power output to power input.

To find the input current required to achieve a certain motor output power, use the following equation.

I(A) = P(kW) × 1,000 / V(V) × η

Thus, the current I in amps is equal to the power P in kilowatts multiplied by 1,000, divided by the product of the voltage V in volts and the efficiency η.

How to Find Current for a Single-Phase AC Circuit

The magnitude of real and reactive power together in AC circuits is called the apparent power, and the power factor is the ratio of real power to apparent power.[2]

To find the input current required to achieve a certain output power in a single-phase AC circuit accounting for power factor and efficiency, use the following equation.[1]

I(A) = P(kW) × 1,000 / V(V) × η × PF

The current I in amps is equal to the power P in kilowatts multiplied by 1,000, divided by the product of the voltage V in volts, the efficiency η, and the power factor PF. Try our power factor calculator to get the power factor if needed.

For example, let’s find the current of a 5 kW motor with an efficiency of 75% and a power factor of 0.8 at 240 volts.

I(A) = 5 kW × 1,000 / 240 V × 0.75 × 0.8
I(A) = 5,000 W / 144 V
I(A) = 34.72 A

In this example, the 5 kW motor will draw 34.72 amps of current.

How to Find the Current of a Three-Phase AC Circuit

The formula to convert kilowatts to amps for a three-phase AC circuit is slightly different from the formula for a single-phase circuit. Use one of the formulas below for line to line or line to neutral RMS voltages.[1][3]

Using Line-to-Line Voltage

I(A) = P(kW) × 1,000 / VL-L(V) × η × PF × √3

The current I in amps is equal to the power P in kilowatts multiplied by 1,000, divided by the product of the line-to-line voltage V in volts, the efficiency η, the power factor PF, and the square root of 3.

This formula measures the current draw for one pair of wires in the three-phase system; to calculate the current for all three pairs of wires, you need to multiply the result by three.

Using Line to Neutral Voltage

I(A) = P(kW) × 1,000 / VL-N(V) × η × PF × 3

The current I in amps is equal to the power P in kilowatts multiplied by 1,000, divided by 3 times the product of the line-to-neutral voltage V in volts, the efficiency η, and the power factor PF.

This formula measures the current draw for all three wires in the three-phase system; to calculate the current for a single wire, you need to divide the result by three.

For example, find the current usage of a 25 kW three-phase motor with an efficiency of 80% and a power factor of 1 at 240 volts (line to line).

I(A) = 25 kW × 1,000 / 240 V × 0.8 × 1 × √3
I(A) = 25,000 W / 332.55 V
I(A) = 75.18 A

To convert watts to amps, use our watts to amps conversion calculator.

Motor Current Ratings (Three-Phase AC)

Motor current ratings based on kilowatt output at 120, 208, 240, 277, and 480 volts three-phase AC with an efficiency of 0.8 and a power-factor of 1.
PowerCurrent at 120VCurrent at 208VCurrent at 240VCurrent at 277VCurrent at 480V
1 kW6.014 A3.47 A3.007 A2.605 A1.504 A
2 kW12.028 A6.939 A6.014 A5.211 A3.007 A
3 kW18.042 A10.409 A9.021 A7.816 A4.511 A
4 kW24.056 A13.879 A12.028 A10.421 A6.014 A
5 kW30.07 A17.348 A15.035 A13.027 A7.518 A
6 kW36.084 A20.818 A18.042 A15.632 A9.021 A
7 kW42.098 A24.288 A21.049 A18.238 A10.525 A
8 kW48.113 A27.757 A24.056 A20.843 A12.028 A
9 kW54.127 A31.227 A27.063 A23.448 A13.532 A
10 kW60.141 A34.697 A30.07 A26.054 A15.035 A
15 kW90.211 A52.045 A45.105 A39.081 A22.553 A
20 kW120.28 A69.393 A60.141 A52.107 A30.07 A
25 kW150.35 A86.741 A75.176 A65.134 A37.588 A
30 kW180.42 A104.09 A90.211 A78.161 A45.105 A
35 kW210.49 A121.44 A105.25 A91.188 A52.623 A
40 kW240.56 A138.79 A120.28 A104.21 A60.141 A
45 kW270.63 A156.13 A135.32 A117.24 A67.658 A
50 kW300.7 A173.48 A150.35 A130.27 A75.176 A
55 kW330.77 A190.83 A165.39 A143.3 A82.693 A
60 kW360.84 A208.18 A180.42 A156.32 A90.211 A
65 kW390.91 A225.53 A195.46 A169.35 A97.729 A
70 kW420.98 A242.88 A210.49 A182.38 A105.25 A
75 kW451.05 A260.22 A225.53 A195.4 A112.76 A
80 kW481.13 A277.57 A240.56 A208.43 A120.28 A
85 kW511.2 A294.92 A255.6 A221.46 A127.8 A
90 kW541.27 A312.27 A270.63 A234.48 A135.32 A
95 kW571.34 A329.62 A285.67 A247.51 A142.83 A
100 kW601.41 A346.97 A300.7 A260.54 A150.35 A
125 kW751.76 A433.71 A375.88 A325.67 A187.94 A
150 kW902.11 A520.45 A451.05 A390.81 A225.53 A
175 kW1,052.5 A607.19 A526.23 A455.94 A263.12 A
200 kW1,202.8 A693.93 A601.41 A521.07 A300.7 A
225 kW1,353.2 A780.67 A676.58 A586.21 A338.29 A
250 kW1,503.5 A867.41 A751.76 A651.34 A375.88 A
275 kW1,653.9 A954.15 A826.93 A716.48 A413.47 A
300 kW1,804.2 A1,040.9 A902.11 A781.61 A451.05 A
325 kW1,954.6 A1,127.6 A977.29 A846.75 A488.64 A
350 kW2,104.9 A1,214.4 A1,052.5 A911.88 A526.23 A
375 kW2,255.3 A1,301.1 A1,127.6 A977.01 A563.82 A
400 kW2,405.6 A1,387.9 A1,202.8 A1,042.1 A601.41 A
425 kW2,556 A1,474.6 A1,278 A1,107.3 A638.99 A
450 kW2,706.3 A1,561.3 A1,353.2 A1,172.4 A676.58 A
475 kW2,856.7 A1,648.1 A1,428.3 A1,237.6 A714.17 A
500 kW3,007 A1,734.8 A1,503.5 A1,302.7 A751.76 A
525 kW3,157.4 A1,821.6 A1,578.7 A1,367.8 A789.35 A
550 kW3,307.7 A1,908.3 A1,653.9 A1,433 A826.93 A
575 kW3,458.1 A1,995.1 A1,729 A1,498.1 A864.52 A
600 kW3,608.4 A2,081.8 A1,804.2 A1,563.2 A902.11 A
625 kW3,758.8 A2,168.5 A1,879.4 A1,628.4 A939.7 A
650 kW3,909.1 A2,255.3 A1,954.6 A1,693.5 A977.29 A
675 kW4,059.5 A2,342 A2,029.7 A1,758.6 A1,014.9 A
700 kW4,209.8 A2,428.8 A2,104.9 A1,823.8 A1,052.5 A
725 kW4,360.2 A2,515.5 A2,180.1 A1,888.9 A1,090 A
750 kW4,510.5 A2,602.2 A2,255.3 A1,954 A1,127.6 A
775 kW4,660.9 A2,689 A2,330.5 A2,019.2 A1,165.2 A
800 kW4,811.3 A2,775.7 A2,405.6 A2,084.3 A1,202.8 A
825 kW4,961.6 A2,862.5 A2,480.8 A2,149.4 A1,240.4 A
850 kW5,112 A2,949.2 A2,556 A2,214.6 A1,278 A
875 kW5,262.3 A3,035.9 A2,631.2 A2,279.7 A1,315.6 A
900 kW5,412.7 A3,122.7 A2,706.3 A2,344.8 A1,353.2 A
925 kW5,563 A3,209.4 A2,781.5 A2,410 A1,390.8 A
950 kW5,713.4 A3,296.2 A2,856.7 A2,475.1 A1,428.3 A
975 kW5,863.7 A3,382.9 A2,931.9 A2,540.2 A1,465.9 A
1000 kW6,014.1 A3,469.7 A3,007 A2,605.4 A1,503.5 A

Motor Current Ratings (Single-Phase AC)

Motor current ratings based on kilowatt output at 120 and 240 volts single-phase AC with an efficiency of 0.8 and a power-factor of 1.
PowerCurrent at 120VCurrent at 240V
1 kW10.417 A5.208 A
2 kW20.833 A10.417 A
3 kW31.25 A15.625 A
4 kW41.667 A20.833 A
5 kW52.083 A26.042 A
6 kW62.5 A31.25 A
7 kW72.917 A36.458 A
8 kW83.333 A41.667 A
9 kW93.75 A46.875 A
10 kW104.17 A52.083 A
15 kW156.25 A78.125 A
20 kW208.33 A104.17 A
25 kW260.42 A130.21 A
30 kW312.5 A156.25 A
35 kW364.58 A182.29 A
40 kW416.67 A208.33 A
45 kW468.75 A234.38 A
50 kW520.83 A260.42 A
55 kW572.92 A286.46 A
60 kW625 A312.5 A
65 kW677.08 A338.54 A
70 kW729.17 A364.58 A
75 kW781.25 A390.63 A
80 kW833.33 A416.67 A
85 kW885.42 A442.71 A
90 kW937.5 A468.75 A
95 kW989.58 A494.79 A
100 kW1,041.7 A520.83 A
125 kW1,302.1 A651.04 A
150 kW1,562.5 A781.25 A
175 kW1,822.9 A911.46 A
200 kW2,083.3 A1,041.7 A
225 kW2,343.8 A1,171.9 A
250 kW2,604.2 A1,302.1 A
275 kW2,864.6 A1,432.3 A
300 kW3,125 A1,562.5 A
325 kW3,385.4 A1,692.7 A
350 kW3,645.8 A1,822.9 A
375 kW3,906.3 A1,953.1 A
400 kW4,166.7 A2,083.3 A
425 kW4,427.1 A2,213.5 A
450 kW4,687.5 A2,343.8 A
475 kW4,947.9 A2,474 A
500 kW5,208.3 A2,604.2 A
525 kW5,468.8 A2,734.4 A
550 kW5,729.2 A2,864.6 A
575 kW5,989.6 A2,994.8 A
600 kW6,250 A3,125 A
625 kW6,510.4 A3,255.2 A
650 kW6,770.8 A3,385.4 A
675 kW7,031.3 A3,515.6 A
700 kW7,291.7 A3,645.8 A
725 kW7,552.1 A3,776 A
750 kW7,812.5 A3,906.3 A
775 kW8,072.9 A4,036.5 A
800 kW8,333.3 A4,166.7 A
825 kW8,593.8 A4,296.9 A
850 kW8,854.2 A4,427.1 A
875 kW9,114.6 A4,557.3 A
900 kW9,375 A4,687.5 A
925 kW9,635.4 A4,817.7 A
950 kW9,895.8 A4,947.9 A
975 kW10,156 A5,078.1 A
1000 kW10,417 A5,208.3 A
Kilowatts (kW) to Amps Conversion Calculator (2024)


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