Transcript of Episode 557: The Glove Guy ... | Happy Scribe (2024)


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You're listening to a Morbid Network podcast. A blood bath tonight in the rural town of Chinook. Everyone here is hiding a secret.


Four more victims found scattered. Some worse than others.


I came as fast as I could. I'm Deputy Ruth Vogal. And soon, my quiet life will never be the same. You can listen to Chinook exclusively on Wondery Plus. Join Wondery Plus in the WNDRI app, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify Podcasts.


Hey, weirdos. Are you guys ready for a live stream event, baby? Well, join us on May first at 4:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Eastern for a special live stream event presented by our friends over at Audible. Catch it on WNDRI's Facebook, YouTube, and wndri. Com/morbidlive. Hey, weirdos.


I'm Ash. And I'm Elaina.


And I'm Jordan.


And this is Morbid. A special episode with Jordan of the Nighttime podcast.


I'm happy to be here.


But we just wanted to let you know that the content that we are going to be sharing today is a bit explicit.


E for explicit.


E for explicit. You don't I don't want those kiddos in the car for this one.


No, not this one. So, Jordan, you have quite a tale to tell us today.


I dare say the craziest story that's ever been told, I love it. And that's it. There's high expectations coming into this podcast. It's true. But I think I got one for you.


I think you do. I think you do. We both agree in unison. We do, as always.


Before we get into the glove guy, though, I'm always curious in this thing. It seems like every town in the world has their own little urban legend story that's maybe true, maybe isn't, maybe it's a weirdo, maybe it's some odd thing that happened. Is there any in your town?


Either of you? We did have one.


We do, but we can't tell it because I'm on it myself.


I won't say who it is, obviously, I won't say. But it was a guy that everybody had all kinds of crazy stories about, when in reality, I'm pretty sure it was just an old guy who had been through it and was probably dealing with mental illness of some kind. But of course, kids are kids. But people used to ring his doorbell and beep when they went by his house and all that. It's actually sad now that I think about it.


Well, that took a dark turn. And I think if it was 300 years ago, they would be labeled like a witch or some crazy thing like that. Oh, yeah. But now it's a whole different vibe. And that's the way I see the story of the Glove guy. So I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, which is a city on the East Coast of Canada. I describe it as I don't know, like Boston's younger tamer, smaller brother who grew up with spoiled. I love that. Yeah. It's a university city. It's a great place to be. But since I've been here, I moved here in 2001. And I remember one of the first stories I heard, and I should contextualize it by saying, When I moved to Halifax, that was me coming to the big city. So I expected crime and danger. One of the first stories that I heard that made me feel weird is people saying, If you go downtown at night, you got to watch out for the glove guy. And I thought, The glove guy? What is that?


That sounds ominous as hell.


It does sound ominous as hell. And the story that I was told was simply it was this man who drove around downtown late at night looking to pick up men as a way to engage in some leather glove fetish this guy had. Okay. And I thought, this sounds weird. It's probably not true. It's probably some old wives tale to scare people out of hitchhiking or something like that. So that's the background of how this whole thing starts. But it was very common knowledge. People talked about this guy all the time. I would hear it and thought, there's no way that's true. Someone would have arrested him. So I don't know if you use Reddit, but in Halifax, there's a group on Reddit that is all about Halifax news and Halifax lifestyle. And a post was made to the Halifax Reddit that it was the headline or the title of the post was something like, Warning to men of Halifax, late night glove salesman. And this post immediately blew up. And I think to this day, it is like the most commented on and upvoted post in the history of the Halifax-based- Wow.


Oh, my God.


Yeah. And it's a man explaining his encounter with the glove guy. And I read it and I thought, well, this guy sounds really believable. But it wasn't this poster that convinced me the whole story was true. It was the comments underneath. It was one person after another recounting the exact same story with all of the same elements in it to the point that it almost seems like it was just the same guy telling the story 40 different ways using slight changes. In fact, one And one of the people underneath it, one of the comments that stood out to me said, they're addressing the person who made the post. They said, I didn't believe you until I read the 14th identical comment here.


There's no way that this is just people making this up.


Yeah. So now is our chance to get initiated into him. So rather than read you this post, I did a series of episodes about the Glove guy, and one of the first people I reached out to was the guy who made this post, and he told me the story in a little more detail than what he posted on Reddit. I have a couple of stories I'll share as we go, and they're going to ramp up in intensity. So let's start light with the story that opened my eyes to like, oh, sh*t, this is real.


Oh, sh*t.


This is actually happening.


We're all adults here. Do we have any rules about bad language?


No. Never. Sexuality? Never. No. Never. Okay, good.


Well, buckle up. So here comes... We'll call this guy, the Reddit guy.


Okay, so my I had a lot of experience with the glove guy. It was probably 2:00 in the morning, end of the night out. But I was walking home on my own, and I was actually walking down towards where the taxi's pull up, and this other guy pulls up right next to me. Nice looking car, black SUV, well-dressed guy. And he said, Hey, man, are you going somewhere? Do you need a lift? My first thought, I wasn't even... I didn't feel alarmed at all. I was like, Oh, sweet. This guy is just running his own Uber service. I'm into that. So I was like, Yeah, man, I'm heading this way. I'm just going out of town. And said where I was going. He said, Yeah, it's hot in. I'm going that way. So I was like, Okay, cool. So I got in the car and I actually gave him 10 bucks. I was like, So you Uber around town on your own, do you? And he was like, Yeah, man, I just drive around picking people up and give people rides at night. And I was like, Okay, cool. So anyway, quite quickly, as he was driving, he said, So this is my deal.


I give people rides and I also sell gloves. And this is my thing selling gloves. I've got these great leather gloves. Do you drive? Do you need driving gloves? All about the driving gloves. And he had these gloves on himself. I was like, Okay, this guy's quirky, but whatever. He seems like a friendly guy. So as he was driving me, he was like, Yeah, just try on my gloves here. And he reaches over into the back seat and he brings out this briefcase, almost, of gloves, different sizes, different styles of leather gloves. And he said, Yeah, this is my business. They're all handmade. They're high-quality driving gloves. Why don't you try some on? And I was like, Okay, well, this guy's giving me a ride home. So I'll humor him and check out his glove business. I'm not going to buy any gloves, but he was like, Yeah, this is my biggest size. You try these ones on. And I tried them on and it was the tightest thing I've ever had on, tight leather glove on my hand. And And he just said, Yeah, just work it in and stretch it out and you'll get a feel for it.


And I'm mostly the way home by this point, and I'm trying to sit this glove on my hand. And he just says, Yeah, just pull down on the palm side of your hand and stretch it out like this and work through your fingers. And so I start doing this, trying to fit this glove on. I'm like, What is this guy talking about? This glove is never going to fit me. And we're pulling onto my road, and he's breathing really heavily as I'm trying to work this glove onto my hand. And quite quickly, it just became apparent to me. It was getting something out of it, sexual. He was really into me putting this leather glove on. And at that point, I was just like, Okay, this is just weird as hell. Anyway, so I said, Yeah, this is a good man. Thanks for the ride. I'm just going to get out here. And I actually got out the car and walked around the corner away from my house and hid in my neighbor's backyard until I saw him drive off. He sat there for a good five minutes before he drove off. But yeah, it went from being just a little bit weird.


This guy's quirky, he's selling me his gloves, whatever, to all of a sudden, I was like, Oh, my God, I'm being victimized in a way. He's getting something out of me, trying this glove on. He doesn't want me to buy this glove at all. He wants me to spank him with it or something. Anyway, I got out and I went home and I messaged my roommate. I was like, I think this guy took advantage of me last night, almost, with these leather gloves. And she said, Oh, yeah, that's the glove guy. And I was just like, Oh, so you know about this guy? He's infamous. It turned out he told me her friend had had an interaction with him. And I looked it up online, and there was a few other Reddit posts about him, and I was just like, Oh, this guy does this every night to random young men in Halifax and has been doing it for years. And yeah, there's just so many stories about this guy and all the other weird stuff that he's done with people.


How are you both feeling?


I also feel victimized. I'm so funny.


First of all, that guy has a great voice. He does. Let's get that out of the way right away. I love that. And two, I feel so bad that he's like, Oh, sh*t. I was just victimized by something. That's got to be such a weird feeling that you're like, I didn't even realize it.


Like, looking back on it.


That's the theme that comes up throughout it. I think since it's so weird and bizarre, and since it's targeting men, I think people are quick to laugh it off and be like, oh, the club guy's crazy. I can't believe you saw him.


But that's scary.


If this was the other way around, I think, if it was a woman in the car, it would be on the news the next day. Absolutely.


100 %.


And it should be treated the same. It's No. Because the thing is, it's like, dude, if you like watching guys put on leather gloves, just find consensual people who will be like, Sure, I'll put on leather gloves for you. I'm sure someone will do that for you. Don't victimize people to get it done. No kink-shaming at all.


Exactly. No.


But consensu is so important. No. But get a consensual person.


That's the thing. You're bound to find someone somewhere.


Yeah. In this story that I just shared, we've only dipped our feet into how crazy this is going to get. This is easily the most innocuous of the stories that we'll share. Which is wild. When I read this guy's story, I'm like, I'm going to do a podcast episode about it. This is too much. And I thought, I'm not going to try to figure out who the glove guy is and dox this guy. I wanted to stick with the legend of the glove guy and hear the different experiences people had with him. So the way I did that was I put a post up on my Facebook page with a picture of his business card because he actually gives people a business card that has a phone number and a picture of gloves, I think. I said, put a picture of that up. I said, have you had an experience with the glove man? If so, email me. I put that up, say, seven o'clock at night I woke up the next morning, I look at my phone, and it was like, I'm not even exaggerating, it was like 60 emails from people all telling the exact same story.


Here's what happened to me.


Oh, my God.


And that's when I realized, oh, man, I stepped in it. I got a story on my My hands. So what I did is I just arranged interviews with as many people as were willing to talk to me. And just like we're doing it now, they were all Zoom interviews, so I could see their faces. And I just have to mention that because the guys that came on the show and told me their story about their encounters with the glove guy, every one of them were big, tall, dark hair, handsome. It looked like I was interviewing one after another, like a professional hockey team or something.


Wow. So the glove guy has a type is what you're saying. So clearly.


Yeah. I wish I could share the photos because as you look at the guys, you're like, oh, my God, that's a bunch of male models or something.


Yeah. Clearly picking a certain guy.


Oh, my God. So are you brave enough to start getting into it?


Yes, because I'm thinking if that's tame, the fact that he had to hide in somebody's yard because he was so scared by it, like, flicked out by it.


That's so sad. And that's a tame experience? Yeah.


I'm sure you both have had weird drives home from an odd cab or something. Have you ever had anything where you're like, Don't drop me off at my house, a couple doors down, and I'm going to act like this is my house?


I don't think I've ever had that, but I'm also a crazy person, and I just won't use Uber by myself.


I don't know that I've ever Uber. Yeah, I've never Ubered by myself.


I won't do it by myself.


That was the one thing that me and my friends were pretty smart about. And I never Ubered back to my own house. I Ubered to other people's house.


Yeah, so there's that.


But I think women have that ingrained in them. Don't go home alone. Don't get a cab alone. We're guys. That's not as much the thing. I don't know if you can tell from that message. I don't think he said it specifically. At the time that all these stories were set, we didn't have Uber in Halifax. It was like a lot or whatever. So we had actual cabs and we didn't have Uber. But a lot of people in Halifax, since it's a university city and there's a lot of tourists coming, they don't know that. So a lot of people that we'll hear from in this episode are people who believed he was maybe an Uber or some Uber-like service.


But that makes sense. So you feel like you can trust it, and especially as a big male. You're like, Yeah, I'll get into this Uber.


And he said, too, it was like a nice car, a nicely dressed man. You don't expect it to get that weird.


Yeah. And that's another side of this. The stories we're going to hear, it's always a nice car, but it's a different car. And I believe, I don't know for sure, but I believe they're all rentals, is my understanding.


Interesting. Oh, that's interesting.


An odd way to spend every weekend, but here we go. Yes.


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So we heard from the Reddit guy, which was the first guy, the whistleblower from my point of view. But let's move on to here He was visiting Halifax from a neighboring city. And again, we have a busy nightlife here. So we have a lot of people coming to Halifax from out of province. I think he was coming from New Brunswick, which is like the next door neighbor province. Here's what happened to be.


So I was downtown with some of my buddies. They're down studying at Dow and SMU. So we were out at the bar and having a couple of drinks. I wasn't really feeling it, so I thought I'd take off. And I'm going to go get a Willy's Poutine. I took off my Willy's Poutine and I was on my way back to my buddy's place. It was about a 20-minute walk. So I was on my way and all of a sudden this black Jeep pulls up beside me and my buddy puts down the window and yelled out, You need to drive. So I looked at it for a second. I was like, Are you a cab? And he's like, Yeah. So I was like, Oh, perfect. Yeah, sure. I'd love a drive. It wasn't my smerish decision, but I drunkenly believed him. So I hopped in and I told him that I only had the 10 box on me. He's like, Hey, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I was like, Okay. So I threw in the GPS and I was directing him. And the drive to my buddy's place was fine. It was whenever we got there that it got weird.


He's like, Before you leave, you got to try my gloves. He was falling over his words. He was very intense. And he's like, you got to try my gloves. And I was like, gloves? He's like, Gloves? He's like, Yeah, I make gloves. You got to try them on. I was like, okay. All right, man. I'll try on your gloves. So he digs in the back seat. He gets this big box full of gloves, and he gets me this real small pair. He got a hole in the knuckles, this leather pair of gloves. And I was like, I don't know if it was going to fit me, man. He's like, No, no, just pull them on. They'll fit. Okay. So I tried putting these gloves on. Of course, they didn't fit. I was like, All right, man, I can't put these on. They're not going to fit me. He's like, All right, I got another pair. Just wait one second. Just wait one second. He's getting more and more intense. And he reaches in the back and gets another pair of gloves. And before he hands them to me, he sniffs them. And he's like, It's like, Oh, it's good leather.


I make these gloves. They're really good quality gloves. I make it really good leather. I was like, All right, man. At this point, I was getting pretty sketched out. I was drunk, and it really sobered me up at this point. His weird interaction So I was like, I'll try on these gloves, but then I'm taken off, okay? So I put on one of the gloves and I was like, Yeah, man, it's a nice glove. It's definitely good leather, I'm sure. He's like, You got to put the other one on. I was like, No, I got a pretty good feel for it. I think that's good. I got to take off. My buddy's probably wondering where I am. So I took off the glove, made sure the door was unlocked, and then just took off.


Did he say, All right, see you later? Or was it the thing where you just walked away as he was continuing to try to get you to put the gloves on?


He really wanted my business afterwards. He was like, I'll take my card. You can get a hold of me. He gave me his He's like, If you ever wanted a glove, feel free to call or email. He's got a website. I sell all across free shipping across the world. I was just like, This guy is nuts.


But did you get a sense that he was getting something from seeing you struggle to put on the glove or anything? Did you feel like- No, he was getting really excited.


He was having a hard time talking. Just me trying to put on the glove, I could just feel him watching me. I don't know how else to explain it. He was staring, intensively watching me try to put these gloves on. I felt pretty dirty and unclean. I actually went inside and washed my hands right after. He made me pretty uncomfortable.


Again, you wouldn't have known anything about Glove guy not being from Halifax, but your buddies are here. What did you say to them and how did they react?


I never heard of him ever before. I walked into my buddy's place. I was like, You'll never believe what just f*cking happened. They're like, Did you get picked up by Glove guy? I was like, Yeah, he picked me up. And then they gave me a recap of who he was and how he's been around and stuff for a while. And I would have believed them if they told me otherwise.


So basically the exact same story, right?


Yeah. And I love how everyone's just like, Oh, that's a good guy. That's a good guy. It's like Bigfoot. He's like, Oh, my God. This hairy guy just high-fived me in the woods. And they're like, Oh, that's Bigfoot, of course. It's the same thing. Everybody's just like, Yeah, it's him.


And the stories as they came through to me All of them had that same format. I was walking alone from downtown. I was drunk. I wasn't sure if he was a cab or not, and he was vague about it. The drive seemed normal. The gloves start. The gloves are too small. Always. There's usually one little element that mixes it up, though. In that story with, I think the element that was unique was the smelling of the glove, and I think that is really creepy. It's heinous.


That adds a little bit to it.


I hate that so much. It's also like he walks in and says to his buddies, Holy sh*t, this just happened. They're like, Oh, it's Glove guy. If someone is visiting you, maybe tell them beforehand about this Glove guy.


I feel like we probably should have let you know. Just so you know. Yeah. And that he said he felt dirty. I I'm like, very unclean. Because so many women, a lot of times, will describe that feeling when a man usually does something very uncomfortable in your presence, and you're like, eeu, I felt dirty. And to hear a man say that, I I don't know what this feeling is. I feel weird.


It's like, there it is. It's certainly unique. It's not something the average guy would have experienced. I can't think of many times, if any, that I would have had that experience. But again, for a woman, being cat-called or whatever, you've all been through it. I think, again, that's a part of why people resort to when they have an experience with Glove guy, they resort to finding the humor in it. The stories we've heard so far, there's a lot of like, chuckling and laughing. But if this was a woman in the car with him in the same thing was reversed, it would not be laughing.


No. But it's the same thing. They're doing the same thing that a lot of women who go through uncomfortable situations do, which is you put it on yourself, which is I feel dirty. And it's like, well, you didn't do anything. But you end up feeling like it's somehow shameful for you. Yeah.


The laughing, I think, is just in a way-Uncomfortable.


I don't know what this feeling is.


Like a trauma response. Let's make this a little bit of a joke because I don't want to really go into it.


And it's like the whole, this isn't something usually men talk about or experience. And if they do experience it, they don't talk about it. So it's like, I think they're feeling like, oh, I don't know how to express this. Right.


Are you surprised? Can you Given the two stories you've heard so far, he hasn't got the sh*t kicked out of them yet? That's where I'm surprised.


Yeah, I am. But then you see why, because these people are just so confused. And I think that's part of it for this guy.


Yeah. And so far, these men seem like they're just the men that people who are like, Okay, I don't know. You're a little weird, but I'm just going to leave. They don't seem like they're... They seem like they're more just confused.


They seem like nice guys. We're just like, What the f*ck?


But I'm surprised he didn't pick up the wrong person that would turn around.


I bet you it's happened. I haven't heard from that person, but I bet you it's happened. You have to think.




Let's get to the next one. This one is interesting because it's a guy named who's a DJ around Halifax, but he was familiar with the Gloved Guys story. So when he got in the car and it started, he knew what was going on. So he got to play with it a little bit.


Oh, man.


Well, it was after Drunk & Night downtown. And anyways, me and my buddies, we all parted ways. So they went back to Dartmouth. And anyways, I was going to wait for a cab. Anyways, waiting for a cab, and then this guy pulls up. Just waiting for a cab, and I was like, Yeah. He's like, Oh, I just got off work. I'll drive you. I was also fairly intoxicated, but the way he said like that, I assumed, Oh, this guy is a cab driver, but maybe he took his light off or something. So I get in the car, and first think this guy was really cool because he picked me up. And then I was like, I'll even give you some 20 bucks or whatever. He's like, All right, cool. And then we get driving, and then, yeah, he's just like, You like gloves? I was like, What? So then he opens up the glove compartment and pulls up a pair of gloves. And then it's just a light bulb clicks. I'm like, Wait a minute. Is this that glove guy, that weirdo that I've seen the thing on? I'm starting to think, Holy sh*t. I'm in this guy's cab or his car.


I'm actually in the same car as this guy. This is the guy. So I pulled out my phone and I actually started texting my friend. He looked like he was trying to peer at my phone, trying to see what I doing. So I telted it towards me because then I'm really getting weird at this point. He's like, Oh, you're probably trying to Google me, aren't you? I was like, No, I'm like, You know what? I actually I don't got data. So I couldn't even do that. And I said, Okay, this guy is weird. This guy is a weirdo. Anyway, so we start driving. I was going up to... At this point, I lived in Clayton Park, so I was going to get him to just take me to the bank up at Clayton Park, there by McDonald's. Anyway, he starts going these weird directions, almost the complete opposite direction of where I was going. And then he pulls over. I'm like, Okay, what is going on? I'm freaking out a little bit. He's like, Don't worry, I'm going to get you home. I'm going to get you home. But first, just try on these gloves.


I'm just like, You know what? I'm just going to go with this guy. I'm just going to f*cking do what he says, make him happy. Because I felt like for a minute, I was in Jeffrey Dauberge care or something, right? And yeah, I'm putting the gloves on. He's like, Yeah, see, just stretched it just like that. Yeah, just pull it back. Yeah, nice like that. Yeah. He's breathing heavy and sh*t, right? It was really weird. I'm thinking at this point, is this guy getting off to this right now? Because he seems to be enjoying me, watching me put these gloves on. And then I see this Pattiwagon drive by. I'm thinking, Is this my chance? Do I just get out the car and just run to this cop? I don't know what to do right now. And so, yeah, then he takes the gloves back, and then we keep going. So then he starts driving, start going up towards Clay and Perk. Okay, we're going the right direction. Cool. So I'm just trying to make conversation, just whatever. Then, yeah, he's like, Yeah, try on these gloves. I'm like, No, no, no, no, try them on.


So I put the gloves on. I'm like, Okay. Yeah, these feel really nice. Yeah. So I take him off and he's like, No, no, keep them on. All right. No, no, keep them on. So I just keep them on and we get to the bank. And then, yeah, so I was like, Yeah, I'm right back. I'm going to go get your money. He's like, Oh, no, no. Keep the gloves on. Keep wearing them. I was like, No, man. I'm going to the bank. It's five o'clock in the morning, and you want me to wear a sketchy leather glove? I'm like, No. That's sketchy. I was thinking maybe this guy will think that I'm suggesting that someone might think I'm trying to rob the place or whatever. I don't know, right? Just trying to make up any excuse of this. I don't want to keep your f*cking gloves. I don't want to necessarily piss him off and say that. I'm trying to be nice about the situation. Yeah. So anyways, he said, Okay, okay. So I get out and I go and grab 20 bucks at the thing. I could have just took off riding, but I'm like, No.


I told this guy, give him 20 bucks, give him his 20, and he'll flee me alone. When I came back to the car, He's just went and unlocked the passenger side door. I was like, No, no, no. Roll down the window. Here you go, man. Here's a 20. Give yourself a good night. He's like, All right, man, you too. So he's like, Do you want to ride? I'm like, No, no, no. I'm good. I'm going to walk from here. So So yeah, I was like, There's no way I'm leading this guy back to my apartment. And walk up the stairs. I'm looking behind me, and the guy's still there. So as soon as I get up the stairs, I just take a left and just run. I just started running down the street. But yeah, and then I got home and I messaged my buddies. I'm like, You are not going to believe what the f*ck happened to me.


It's a shame people who listen to your podcast aren't able to see your face as reacting as.


I know.


We are recording this. We are recording this. We should post a couple of these.


We definitely should.


Because he just said that But he was trying... He was like, You know what? I'm just going to go with this to not piss him off.


The amount of times we have done that.


Another thing that many people can relate to, but especially a lot of women can relate to. I don't want to piss this person off, so I'm just not going to say anything or I'm just going to go with it.


It's like a survival instinct.


A void confrontation a little bit. Or at least avoid ramping it up to that moment.


Yeah, you don't want to set it off.


Where you're like, No.


When he said, Do you like gloves? I was like, I just want somebody to be like, No. I actually hate gloves.


No interest in gloves.


I actually Yeah. I have severe trauma from gloves. I don't want to look at them like that.


Now all of those people have severe trauma from gloves.


I can't even look at leather gloves after this, let alone the idea of thin small ones that you really need to work your hand in. That is disgusting to me.


My God. No, that's so- I have such a good pair of nice leather gloves, too, that I was wearing all day yesterday because it's so cold here.


Well, yeah, because they're so fashionable.


Yeah. And they look good. Now I'm going to look at them different.


You are going to look at them different. But they're not tainted, though.


They're not. Not yet.


No. These are different gloves altogether with a lot of different meaning behind the size and fit, it seems.


And that's what I was picturing driving gloves. Yeah. That's what I was picturing before he even said it.


Does he actually have a website that you've stumbled across, or is that just a...


He does. Yeah, he does. He did. It was a very rudimentary, basic website with a lot of photos of different pairs of gloves that it seems like he's made them all, which is a very Freddy Kruger thing to do.


Yeah, a skill, but And he had a business card that he gave out.


There was a YouTube channel, and the YouTube channel, I don't believe it's still up, but it is one of the eeriest things. Imagine a still camera. This is from a horror movie. Imagine a still camera on a tripod just pointed at a blank wall. A man with sunglasses on and a leather jacket walks up to the camera and holds, like, dangles a pair of gloves in front of the camera, pulls them on tight, and then just fist into palm, pulls them off and puts another pair on, emotionless. And it is some of the creepiest stuff ever.


What the f*ck? Why isn't that a horror movie?


And why fist to palm? Like, why?


I think just to feel the crack of leather.


I was going I would say it's something about the feeling, definitely. I hate it. Or the sound.


I hate it so much.


Hey, weirdos. Do you like to hyperfixate like me? You start something off that seems very straightforward, and suddenly you are down that rabbit hole, letting the story carry you down paths you never even anticipated going down. If this is your thing, check out one of my recent deep dives that you might have missed. Episode 548, The Lipstick Killer Part One. To be clear, it is a gruesome and awful story. Two women and a child were brutal sexually murdered. But as we look back on this wild case that was heavily influenced by a very corrupt police force and media-stroking public fear, I'm not too sure that they got the right guy. You can find this episode by following Morbid and scrolling back a little bit to episode 548, The Lipstick Killer Part One, or by searching Morbid Lipstick wherever you listen to podcasts.


In May of 1980, near Anaheim, California, Dorothy Jane Scott noticed her friend had an inflamed red wound on his arm and seemed unwell. She insisted on driving him to the local hospital to get treatment. While he waited for his prescription, Dorothy went to grab her car to pick him up at the exit, but would never be seen alive again, leaving us to wonder, decades later, what really happened to Dorothy Jane Scott.


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Well, buckle up.


We are about to get into... Well, maybe not the dark. Well, obviously, it's the second darkest. But this story that we're about to share, I'm going to use the name Craig. This guy, I disguised his voice a little bit and give him a fake name. That was a part of the deal. But his experience with the Gloved guy is completely nuts. At the end of this, we're going to have to make a tough decision about the future of Morbid because there's a short recording of Gloved guy that we can choose to play or not.


Oh, my God.


It's like a choose your own adventure.


Choose your scare. Reader beware.


We'll get into it. First, let's hear Craig's completely unhinged encounter with Glove guy. You ready? Yes.


No, but yes. Yes.


I was just having a regular night downtown with my buddies. Long and short of it is I wind up walking home alone. It's chilly out. I'm only wearing a short sleeve shirt, so I'm trying to flag down any cab that I see. All of them are Zoom moment right past me when all of a sudden, the black SUV just pulls up next to me. I just hear this low nasally voice just say, Yeah, you're looking for a drive? I look, and it looks like a pretty nice car. It's a well-dressed guy, and I'm trying to calculate what's going on here. He doesn't have the taxi thing on top of his car, but I assumed he was some Uber service, and I think he could see me weighing these options. So eventually, he just says, Where are you going? And I just tell him, I'm going to X place, to which he says, I'm going in that direction anyways. So that's a red flag right there. At the same time, it's cold out. I'm wearing a T-shirt. I'm pretty hammered, so I hit the f*ck it button for a better for what? And I hop in car.


One of the first things I noticed in my car is that he's wearing a pair of leather gloves in June, and he has them on the wheel. And that seems a little weird to me. The first thing he does when I buckle up my seat belt is open the glove compartment, at which point, God knows how many pairs of gloves spilled onto my lap. It was like they were packed to the teeth with these leather gloves that all just spilled onto my lap. And he almost frantically starts requesting that I start trying them on. And he's pulling out a specific pairs and saying, Try these on, try these on. I'm hesitant at first. What is going on here? And he reassures me by saying, Oh, I'm a glove I'm a glove salesman. Here's my card. I'm a glove salesman. I'm like, Okay, I don't give a sh*t. It's getting me home. Then just take me home. So I try on the first pair and he starts driving. They're a little too small. He He doesn't even seem to give a sh*t about the road. He just seems very fixated on my opinions of these gloves, and he's very intently watching.


We get a little further down, and he offers me a bottle of co*ke like this pre-open bottle, and I'm going to call it a murky, orange-ish, beige-brown color. So instead of drinking it, I open it and smell it, and it smells like it's more liquor than alcohol, obviously. I hand it back to him. I think he said something like, I'm not trying to roof you yet, in his nasally voice. And then he grabbed the bottle and as proof that he wasn't trying to roofy me with one hand on the wheel, he just takes a giant swole the bug of his bottle that he had. At this point, like, Oh, sh*t. What is going on? This middle-aged man has me in his car and he's flying down the street, drunk driving, going a little bit over the speed limit. This is the time when I start considering, Okay, I'm bigger than this guy. I'm not exactly a small dude, and this guy's... I could definitely... I'd feel comfortable in a confrontation against the sky. On the other hand, he's got his hand on the wheel and he's driving way over the speed of my minute. God knows what's going to happen if he veers off into something.


I'd say to him, That was my house. And his response is, Do you want some co*ke? And I'm like, What? And he opens the, not the glove compartments, pun intended, the middle thing in between the seats. He pulls out a very significant amount of cocaine and ask me if I want some of this. I say pretty much no, because as far as I'm concerned, this dude's trying to knock me out so that he can do some kinky sh*t with me in a leather Dungeon that he has back in his place. So I say no to that. And before I know it, we're heading into the south and the Halifax. And this is when I start weighing the pros and cons of, do I try to take out this guy? I'm bigger than him. At the same time, he's got cocaine in this compartment. He's wearing gloves. In any case, I chose not to do that based on the fact that I didn't want him to into a tree. I didn't want to get stabbed in the neck with a needle and wake up with a gag ball in my mouth. So I messaged a friend instead, and I just said to them, I need you to call me right now.


And I got them to think that their house might be broken into, and they were afraid, and they were only about a block away. So he grudgingly agreed to drop me off. sh*t was getting very weird at this point. But he stopped the car, and before he let me out of the car, he locked the doors on the car. You know those locks that disappear? Instead of just going down, they disappear. He had those locks. And that's a, oh, sh*t, moment when the locks disappear. And then he just looked at me and just said, okay, we should get each other's number. Put your number in my phone. And my first thought is, I'll just give this weirdo one digit off and I'll be good to go. And he just says, I can't empathize how weird his voice was. Okay, and I'm going to call it to make sure it's the right number. And then I'm like, oh, sh*t. She's like, This is really getting weird, but I'll just do anything to get out of this goddamn steel box on the wheels, so I'm away from this dude right now. So I enter my real number in his phone, just thinking that as soon as I get out of the I'm going to block this number.


I enter my number, he calls it, which is creepy as sh*t. It rings and he lets me out of the car. But as soon before I even got up the steps of my friend's house that I was at, I just blocked his number right away. So for me, I assumed that was going to be the end of the story. I mean, I've got it in the back of my mind that he knows the general vicinity that I live, but I'm not too worried about based on the fact that I blocked his number. It sounds like he does this on a weekly basis, so I think I'm going to be okay. And then in the weeks that followed, I started receiving calls from unknown numbers at around 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning on only Saturdays and Sunday. And eventually, it says to Dawn on me, I'm like, sh*t, I know this guy is blowing up my goddamn phone. So I just stomached it for a little while. I mean, obviously, if you're being woken up at 4:00 in the morning to a number that you know is a glove salesman who probably wants to tie you up with the same leather he uses to produce his gloves, it's not the most comforting thought.


But I'm going to say about two months into this of him calling me on a weekly basis, I finally get a voicemail. Against my better judgment, I listened to the voicemail, and what I heard was just the most vile, grotesque thing I've ever had all directed at me.


I need to hear this.


Do you have it? Of course, I have it. But this is the decision that you need to make. When I say, he says how vile and disturbing it is, this will be the most vile and disturbing thing ever air it on Morbid if we do this.


Well, and also that lock thing reminded me of the collector, the Bone Collector. I don't know if you've seen that. I don't know if you've seen that movie. The guy, he picks people up in a cab, and that's how he kidnaps people. And he will lock the doors. And when they go to unlock it, he shaved them into little points. What? So you end up slicing your finger and you can't open. And I immediately thought of that. I was like, Oh, God, that's so awful.


What I'm picturing is the lock where it's a little metal pin that sticks up from a hole. And when you lock it from the driver's seat, it drops into the hole. So you can't grab and unlock it yourself. Giving this guy your number and him checking it before you get out of the car is- That is so real though.


I was going to say that's happened to me. Me too.


And I got caught with the no because I gave a different number. You gave a fake number? And they called it and I was like, Oops, I'm on silent. Bye. I've just been in the experience where they're like, And I'm going to call you.


So you're like, Let me just give you my real f*cking number then.


I was like, Go ahead. You're going to be embarrassed, not me.


I will tell you that this guy did go on to change his number as a result of this whole spectacle.


That's awful that he had to do that.


We're beating around the bush. You want to do it? I'm so scared, but yes. Here we go. I'm so scared.


But if we're just like, oh, yeah, people have said that to us before.


I was just going to say, What if we listen to it and we're like, that wasn't that bad. All right.


Here it comes. Wow. I'm never going to be invited back, am I?


Because I genuinely... Because the way these men are relaying these stories is doing it in a way in a humorous way. They're trying to be like, what the f*ck? This guy has a significant amount of co*ke. And it's like there's this being funny. But when you listen to the actual what's happening, you're like, this is terrifying. It's f*cked up. And what a traumatizing It was an amazing experience. This guy literally was trying to contemplate whether he was going to die if this guy veered off the road to kill them both, or if he could attack him if he needed to. These are things nobody should have to deal with. And it's like, I It feels so bad. And then to deal with that afterwards?


No, thank you. We didn't even talk about the pop bottle, too. To pass someone a pop bottle, I have a drink of this. Where it's clearly the wrong color of co*ke. What?


And it's just like, What? And then And just be like, you want some co*ke?


Wait, did you just say that wasn't the darkest one? Is there still one left?




That's not the darkest one?


I feel so bad.


Well, there's this whole other story that happened because what went on is I initially planned to do an episode called The Legend of the Gloved Guy, which told these stories of people who had experiences with him, and I was making a point to not name his business or give his name or anything like the Gloved guy himself. And I just kept it about the urban legend that surrounds him and what people have experienced and what stories are told. So I released my first episode, and to say all hell broke loose was a complete understatement. Gloved guy found out about my episode, and he absolutely did not appreciate the exposure of what he was doing. He was sending me and a bunch of other people these unhinged messages, emails in all caps, run on sentences. And one of the people he reached out to, it seems, was CBC, which is our Canadian, our biggest news company in Canada, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation. He wrote, he seemed to have contacted them in some way to let them know that this whole thing happened with some podcast who spouted lies about him, and he seemed to tell them that, But I'm suing them or I sued them, and now I own the podcast.


So it quickly turned into this him claiming ownership of the podcast and him writing me messages asking me to stop using the name Nighttime because he owned it now. And I just ignored it. But here's where it gets wild. As this all was happening, when I was doing the original episode, I learned that there was more to the glove guy. I found out who he was and what his business was called, and I found out that he actually did have a criminal record related to this whole late night glove stuff. But I made a point to I'm not even airing that in the episode because I want to keep it light into the style of the way the stories are told. But when he went to the news and he said, I've never been in trouble. I hadn't done anything wrong. I'm just passionate about the sales of gloves, and people are taking that the wrong way. What he did to me as a way of, I don't know, to get back at me or something, is he started putting registrations for the name The Nighttime Podcast in different government directories as a way to claim ownership or at least look like he actually owns the podcast.


And it's hard to explain it, but basically, in Nova Scotia, certain businesses are required to register with the government and appear in this directory that shows the name of the business, the type of the business, and who the owner is. So he put Nighttime on there with his name, his actual name, his home address, his phone number. And he was using that as a way to say, here is proof that I now own the podcast, and that episode is a lie, and it's going to be taken down. What? And it was bordering on extortion to the point that I called the police, and it got to the point where any email I would get from him, I was just forwarding to the police and not responding because it was just so unhinged, the stuff that I was getting. But to clear my name, or maybe because I'm petty- A little bit of both. I thought, I'm going to do one more episode about the Glove guy. And And I did a follow-up episode that was just a way to say the prior versions of the stories are a bit light and told a bit light, but it is very dark.


And I had gone to the courthouse. Actually, I wrote to the police and said, Can you give me any information about this guy? And they were quick to tell me there was charges against him and how to get the... And they explained how I could get the court documents. So I did. And I managed to get in touch with a young man man who actually went to the police and went through the courts and had the glove guy formally charged. Up until the point that I released the episode, I don't think people knew about this young man or this story because, again, the version of the story that was shared is like, he seems like a harmless guy, but he's really weird.




Welcome to the small town of Chinook, where faith runs deep and secrets run dark. In this new crime thriller, religion and crime collide when this small Montana community is rocked by a gruesome murder. As the town is whipped into a frenzy, everyone is quick to point their fingers at a drug-addicted teenager. But local Deputy Ruth Vogal isn't convinced she suspects connections to a powerful religious group. Enter federal agent Vee B. Laro, who has been investigating a local church for possible criminal activity. She and Ruth form an unlikely partnership to catch the killer, unearthing secrets that leave Ruth torn between her duty to the law, her religious convictions, and her very own family. But something more sinister than murder is afoot, and someone's watching Ruth. With an all-star cast led by Emmy Award nominee me, Santa Leighton, and Star Wars, Kelly Marie Tran, Chinook plunges listeners into the dark underbelly of a small town where the lines between truth and deception are blurred, and even the most devout are not who they seem. Chinook is available to listen to now exclusively with your WNDYRY Plus subscription. You can subscribe to WNDYRY Plus on the WNDYRY app, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.


I won't play the whole telling of the story by this guy named Chris, but I'll get the main part that explains what actually happened. But him and I did a full episode together, so the actual conversation is a half hour or so. But this will explain to you how far it actually went with Chris, who was a young man in Halifax, was, according to him, extremely inebriated, leaving downtown. The same story plays out. He's waiting for a cab, couldn't find one. Someone pulls up and offers him a ride, and he assumes it's a cab and gets in. Oh, no. But along the way, here's where it goes. And this is the darkest one.


Oh, no.


And before I play it, I will say as well, you'll notice immediately a difference in tone. The other people are light and laughing. This guy, his voice is shaking and you'll hear it. Oh. Yeah. And I got on the drive just past my house, and I took off the gloves, and I was just about to get out. And he's like, Hey, can you 100 % make sure these are the gloves you want? I was like, I just tried them on. He said, Well, just work them in a little bit more. Make sure those are the gloves you like.


So I was like, Okay, whatever.


I'll do it one last time. Done. Go home and sleep. So So you were feeling pretty weird by now, I guess. Yeah. I felt like he came off like he was trying to hit on me. And at the same time, really trying to get me to either work in these gloves to the point where I'm going to rip them or he just really wants me to buy these gloves and work them in. Okay. So I got to pull four or five houses past mine because I don't like strangers knowing where I live. So when you got to pull, I'm making sure you try on the glove. So I got the glove again. I put it on, and I'm working it on. I'm stretching the gloves. And I was doing this for about 10, maybe 15 minutes before I finally looked over, and I was really trying to focus in on what he was doing.


And I just remember him leaning back, and I remember seeing his penis was out, and he was jerking it. As soon as I seen that, I took off the glove, I opened up the door, I shut it, and I ran through my neighbor's yard, and I cut back to my house.


So you just took off right away? Yeah.


Oh, wow. That escalated.




That poor kid.


Because it's so clearly the difference in style of telling the story.


Oh, it's such an immediate difference because that is such an escalation. The other ones were like, Yeah, he seemed like he was getting a little flushed and breathing heavy and a little excited. But that is That's on another level.


Yeah. This guy that we just heard from, he went to the police and actually had the actual glove guy charged, and the glove guy played guilty to, I think it was like indecent exposure was the charge against him. As far as I know, that was the only time he was charged in relation to this actual activity related to the gloves. But it's no surprise. I knew that story, and I'd heard that story early on, and I was like, I don't want to go there because it changes the nature of the whole thing.


Yeah, it gets real dark.


When I did my second follow-up episode, I put that out as a way to, I guess, show that, for one, I wasn't just targeting this local guy with a fetish, but also to show how serious it actually is.


Oh, my gosh.


Yeah. I think most of them are. Although, I think with some of the earlier stories, if someone is just vaguely kidnapping you in their car and forcing these gloves on you, I don't know if there's It's really a crime there, but it's so close in every one of these.


It's so close.


Because you'd think it's almost like imprisonment in some way, almost a kidnapping thing because it's like he's not taking you where he said he would take you. Right. So you almost are like, it's walking that line.


It's just tiptoeing right across the line. I will say, we've heard here, I don't know, five or six stories. At the time that I did my two episodes, I probably had 30 of them, and I still get them to this day. I did those episodes almost two years ago. I think I got one three weeks ago. I do this series of episodes that we call creep encounters, and it's not specific to Glove guy. It's just people sharing stories of encountering a creep. I just happened to get one of the creep encounter stories last week or two weeks ago. It was clearly someone telling me the story about an encounter with a glove guy.


So it's like it's- And these are recent encounters? Like, he's still out there doing this?


It seems it, yeah. I don't know for sure, but it seems like I have ones from probably a year or so ago. I haven't heard anything very much lately. I've heard rumors that he left Halifax. I don't know if that's true. I don't want to run into him, and I certainly don't want to find out.


So you're just like, you know what? Whatever.


But we now have Uber in Halifax. It's allowed now. So maybe that put him out of business.


Oh, maybe.


One would hope.


Because, again, every one of those stories, they seem to be like, maybe he's Uber. I don't know.


Yeah. And it's that like, weird up in the air. Right. Yeah. Like, they're not a taxi.


In the time that a lot of these stories took place in Halifax, since we didn't have Uber and we have a ton of students and a lot of bars and stuff, when you get out of a nightclub at 2:00 in the morning, it's really hard to get a cab. You're waiting around and roaming around. So it would have been such an easy way to pray on to get someone in your car. That's the easiest time to do it. But now with Uber and stuff in Halifax, it's probably not as easy.


And it's like you know that these people are coming out inebriated, likely. So they're not going to be in their best decision making moment.


Yeah. Every one of them had been drinking that we talked to or heard from. Everyone was drinking. Everyone was alone, and everyone just needed to drive home and ended up getting in a situation where they're like, I'm not going to push it with this guy, but when I get the right chance, I'm going to get out of here.


He picked the most vulnerable place and victim, essentially.


It's so weird, though, that he was so confident that these guys weren't going to attack I'm racking it anyway, because like you said, these are bigger guys.


Yeah. Every one of them would have been people where I would have thought... And I'm not a small guy, but all of these were people where I would have thought, this is not someone I'm going to try to force my weird fetish on. Yeah.




But I guess when you have a captive audience in your car, it's a whole different thing and whatever else is going on with this guy. If you had not heard the different stories told, if you had just heard this guy driving around, trying to get people to get gloves on, would you believe Honestly, at this point in life, yes.


Right now. Here, yes.


Five years ago, no.


And it's so specific, too. That's the thing. The trying on gloves is so specific. I feel like that has to be true.


Yeah. It's so weird because everyone, it's the exact same story. The fetish simply seems to be watching people struggle to get their hand in a cloth.


Like a leather fetish of some sort.


Yeah, a very specific leather fetish.


It's something that's very niche.


Again, when forced onto someone, that is horrifying.


If that's your thing, just find somebody who also that's their thing.


Someone will consent to trying on leather gloves for you.


Yeah. There has to be other people out there. That's like, that would be a comedy. You would put like, leather gloves. It's somewhere below high heels, but that's definitely a circuit.


There is. But it seems like that's part of it, that they're not consenting.


I know. I was just going to say, I think that's part of it, is that the power dynamic, I think, is part of it.


That definitely changes it all.


Because there's the locks that are flush with the... That you can't get out. Once I hit that, it's like the give me your number and I'm going to call to make sure you gave me your number. There's a power thing here.


And it's fear-based, for sure.


I'm surprised not a lot is done about it. Again, there was the one charge laid against him, but he He seems to be careful enough that he's not getting himself in enough trouble. Too far. It's so weird, and I think that gets you a pass. And I'll tell you, there was that whole situation with him, registering the Nighttime podcast as a business and all these different directories. I was trying to get those listings down just in case it confused anyone. So I was dealing with the government, contacting them and being like, here's the story, sit down for this. This is what's going on. And I couldn't get them to take the directories down. So I eventually just ignored the whole situation and stopped responding to his emails. But I did do a Freedom of Information Act request on all the communication the Nova Scotia government had surrounding the registration of a business called the Nighttime Podcast. And I got this big package of emails from the different officials going back and forth to their lawyers being like, What do we do with this situation? And you could see every one of them, the email would start with, This is weird, but hear me out.


This is weird, but...


They didn't know what to do with it. And eventually, they just did what I did and just ignored the whole thing.


This is unchartet territory.


It's weird, too, that you did the podcast and you didn't name him, you didn't out him in any way. And then he just outed himself.


Yeah, he outed himself and went on the news talking about it. And if you read, if you do a Google search for like, Glove guy Halifax, Nighttime podcast or Jordan Bonaparte, you'll find there's two articles. One is on CBC and one is vice, vice magazine. And both of the articles include quotes from him that are some of the most insane things you've ever heard. And they include the quotes in their article. So it's pretty clear to anyone who reads it what's going on. But, man, it's something else.


Wow. Is this it? Is this the end of the saga or is there more? Do you hope so? After everything happened with the copyright registration and him coming at me, I was like, I need to get my ducks in a row because this guy is wild.


So it gave me a good excuse to deal with all the business side of stuff, like getting the trademark for night time and stuff. And that's all settled. I think what's next is I'm going to do a third, maybe fourth episode about this, where I'm just going to air out the rest of the stories I have because I have a folder on my desktop that's just been eating a hole in my desktop full of Gloved Guys stories. I'm going to put them out there. And I think I'll probably do it after you release your episode because I'm sure people will We'll want to hear.


Great people will want to hear more. I was going to say a certain subsect of people.


It's good that you're putting it out there because people need to hear about this guy out there somewhere. Yeah, we need to be careful. You know? Hell, yeah.


That's the thing. I think the stories are entertaining because they're so nuts. But it is a public service. People should know if you're going to just get in a car with a random person. Again, we said this multiple times, but women are taught you don't do that. Men, not so much. Right. Yeah. Maybe it's a wake up call. Yeah.


Just It's so different. It's so different. It's so different. Don't get in a car with someone you don't know.


Truly, because like we said before, hearing their thoughts after the experience is so like, We get it. I'm just like, We get that. That's exactly your thoughts after a weird experience. And don't blame yourself.


I know you guys do... You do listener stories where listeners share... It's often supernatural and stuff. But have you ever had anything like this?


Not like this. We get some listeners who are like, I shouldn't gotten in a car that night. I always feel bad because they blame themselves. At the end, they're always like, I was stupid. I shouldn't have done that. And it's like, well, it sucks that the world is like this and that you can't do that. But it's not your fault.


Most of us have been there where you're like, sh*t, I shouldn't have done that.


But nothing like Glove guy.


No. I've never heard a story like Glove guy.


It's so unique, but it could be a horror movie. And I know you're right into horror. This could easily be adapted to a horror movie. I can imagine the scene at the beginning where he's stitching the gloves.


Yes, with the sunglasses. And pulling the leather. And I feel like you can just see this whole scene. And the sunglasses.


Setting up the camera.




I hate it. Yeah. It's cinematic, the whole thing. I feel bad for the people who got in the car with them. Me too. But again, they all seem to be taking it in stride. Everyone except one of the guys we heard from was able to laugh at it when they got it.


Which hopefully they're able to just be like, That was a weird moment in life.


Yeah, that poor loss. I mean, poor all of them, but that poor He's a lost guy. He really went through it. Yeah.


Yeah. I did that interview with him in person, and it was... I've interviewed sex assault victims in the past or victims of sex trafficking. The way he presented and the way he told the story was just like the other stories that I heard from people who were... One I can think of, particularly, I talked to him on my show that was a victim of child sex trafficking. In the way she described the story, it was with the same flow and emotion that he told his. So there's no doubt in my mind that it's traumatized that guy. How couldn't it? That's so disturbing.


Because there doesn't need to be contact. It's like this guy- To be a sexual assault. Yeah, that's so traumatizing. Absolutely. Yeah. Wow.


What is story, Jordan? I don't know how to recover from this one.


I think I'm the opposite of the Halifax tourism person. I just come on every couple of years and remind morbid listeners that it's really crazy here.


By the way. Hey, everybody. News from Canada.


Last time I was on, we did Lindsay Sivanaroth, the American woman who tried to commit the mass shooting in Halifax. Yeah. She was eligible for parole in about one year from now. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So people who've heard that story, buckle up.


Oh, man. That's another one. I know. That's another scary one.


Yeah, Jordan, you have wild stories.


You do.


But we're always down to hear them.


But that's why we welcome you back. Exactly. And again, you're welcome anytime.


You're perfect for morbid.


You are.


Definitely a weirdo.


Yeah, you absolutely are. You filled the bill. And everybody go listen a night time.


I appreciate it so much and hope to do it again soon. And I hope to have you both on my show soon.


Yeah, we would love to.


That'd be fun. Let's do it. In the meantime, go listen a night time.


And we hope you keep listening. And we hope you keep it weird. But not so weird as the glove guy.


That's not weird. That's a different level. If there was consent, it would be weird. Without consent, it's just wrong.


It's just wrong. Exactly. Perfect way to put that. Wow.


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Transcript of Episode 557: The Glove Guy ... | Happy Scribe (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.